Ce filme vor rula la Happy Cinema Bistriţa, în perioada 19 - 25 mai!
Vin, 05/19/2023 - 11:47
Vineri,19 Mai
13:20 Mavka. The Forest Song - Animatie, Comedie, Fantastic, Normal, AG
13:40 Little Allan - The Human Antenna - Animatie, Aventuri, Familie, Premiera, AG
14:00 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (dub)3D - Animatie, Aventuri, Comedie, Familie, Fantastic, Romantic, SF, Dragoste, Normal, AG
15:20 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (dub)3D - Animatie, Aventuri, Comedie, Familie, Fantastic, Romantic, SF, Dragoste, Normal, AG
15:40 Little Allan - The Human Antenna - Animatie, Aventuri, Familie, Premiera, AG
16:00 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
17:20 Gardienii galaxiei: Volumul 3 - 3D - Actiune, Aventuri, Comedie, SF, Thriller, Normal, AP12
17:40 Book Club: The Next Chapter - Comedie, Drama, Romantic, Dragoste, Normal, AP12
18:40 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
20:00 Hypnotic - Actiune, Mister, Thriller, Normal, AP12
20:30 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
21:30 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
22:00 Love Again - Comedie, Drama, Romantic, Dragoste, Normal, AP12
Sâmbata,20 Mai
10:30 Mavka. The Forest Song - Animatie, Comedie, Fantastic, Normal, AG
11:00 Little Allan - The Human Antenna - Animatie, Aventuri, Familie, Premiera, AG
11:20 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (dub)3D - Animatie, Aventuri, Comedie, Familie, Fantastic, Romantic, SF, Dragoste, Normal, AG
12:30 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (dub)3D - Animatie, Aventuri, Comedie, Familie, Fantastic, Romantic, SF, Dragoste, Normal, AG
13:00 Little Allan - The Human Antenna - Animatie, Aventuri, Familie, Premiera, AG
13:20 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
14:30 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
15:30 Little Allan - The Human Antenna - Animatie, Aventuri, Familie, Premiera, AG
16:00 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
17:20 Gardienii galaxiei: Volumul 3 - 3D - Actiune, Aventuri, Comedie, SF, Thriller, Normal, AP12
17:40 Book Club: The Next Chapter - Comedie, Drama, Romantic, Dragoste, Normal, AP12
18:40 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
20:00 Hypnotic - Actiune, Mister, Thriller, Normal, AP12
20:30 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
21:30 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
22:00 Love Again - Comedie, Drama, Romantic, Dragoste, Normal, AP12
Duminica,21 Mai
10:00 Mavka. The Forest Song - Animatie, Comedie, Fantastic, Normal, AG
10:30 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (dub)3D - Animatie, Aventuri, Comedie, Familie, Fantastic, Romantic, SF, Dragoste, Normal, AG
11:00 Little Allan - The Human Antenna - Animatie, Aventuri, Familie, Premiera, AG
12:00 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (dub)3D - Animatie, Aventuri, Comedie, Familie, Fantastic, Romantic, SF, Dragoste, Normal, AG
12:30 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
13:00 Little Allan - The Human Antenna - Animatie, Aventuri, Familie, Premiera, AG
14:00 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
15:00 Little Allan - The Human Antenna - Animatie, Aventuri, Familie, Premiera, AG
15:30 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
17:00 Gardienii galaxiei: Volumul 3 - 3D - Actiune, Aventuri, Comedie, SF, Thriller, Normal, AP12
17:00 Book Club: The Next Chapter - Comedie, Drama, Romantic, Dragoste, Normal, AP12
18:10 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
19:30 Hypnotic - Actiune, Mister, Thriller, Normal, AP12
20:00 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
21:00 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
21:30 Love Again - Comedie, Drama, Romantic, Dragoste, Normal, AP12
Luni,22 Mai
13:30 Mavka. The Forest Song - Animatie, Comedie, Fantastic, Normal, AG
14:00 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (dub)3D - Animatie, Aventuri, Comedie, Familie, Fantastic, Romantic, SF, Dragoste, Normal, AG
14:30 Little Allan - The Human Antenna - Animatie, Aventuri, Familie, Premiera, AG
15:30 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (dub)3D - Animatie, Aventuri, Comedie, Familie, Fantastic, Romantic, SF, Dragoste, Normal, AG
16:00 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
16:40 Love Again - Comedie, Drama, Romantic, Dragoste, Normal, AP12
17:30 Gardienii galaxiei: Volumul 3 - 3D - Actiune, Aventuri, Comedie, SF, Thriller, Normal, AP12
18:40 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
19:00 Hypnotic - Actiune, Mister, Thriller, Normal, AP12
20:30 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
21:00 Book Club: The Next Chapter - Comedie, Drama, Romantic, Dragoste, Normal, AP12
21:30 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
Marti,23 Mai
13:30 Mavka. The Forest Song - Animatie, Comedie, Fantastic, Normal, AG
14:00 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (dub)3D - Animatie, Aventuri, Comedie, Familie, Fantastic, Romantic, SF, Dragoste, Normal, AG
14:30 Little Allan - The Human Antenna - Animatie, Aventuri, Familie, Premiera, AG
15:30 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (dub)3D - Animatie, Aventuri, Comedie, Familie, Fantastic, Romantic, SF, Dragoste, Normal, AG
16:00 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
16:40 Love Again - Comedie, Drama, Romantic, Dragoste, Normal, AP12
17:30 Gardienii galaxiei: Volumul 3 - 3D - Actiune, Aventuri, Comedie, SF, Thriller, Normal, AP12
18:40 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
19:00 Hypnotic - Actiune, Mister, Thriller, Normal, AP12
20:30 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
21:00 Book Club: The Next Chapter - Comedie, Drama, Romantic, Dragoste, Normal, AP12
21:30 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
Miercuri,24 Mai
13:30 Mavka. The Forest Song - Animatie, Comedie, Fantastic, Normal, AG
14:00 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (dub)3D - Animatie, Aventuri, Comedie, Familie, Fantastic, Romantic, SF, Dragoste, Normal, AG
14:30 Little Allan - The Human Antenna - Animatie, Aventuri, Familie, Premiera, AG
15:30 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (dub)3D - Animatie, Aventuri, Comedie, Familie, Fantastic, Romantic, SF, Dragoste, Normal, AG
16:00 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
16:40 Book Club: The Next Chapter - Comedie, Drama, Romantic, Dragoste, Normal, AP12
17:30 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
18:40 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
19:00 Hypnotic - Actiune, Mister, Thriller, Normal, AP12
20:30 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
21:00 Sisu - Actiune, Razboi, Avanpremiera, IM18
21:30 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
Joi,25 Mai
14:30 Mavka. The Forest Song - Animatie, Comedie, Fantastic, Normal, AG
15:00 Little Allan - The Human Antenna - Animatie, Aventuri, Familie, Premiera, AG
15:30 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (dub)3D - Animatie, Aventuri, Comedie, Familie, Fantastic, Romantic, SF, Dragoste, Normal, AG
17:00 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
17:30 Hypnotic - Actiune, Mister, Thriller, Normal, AP12
18:00 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
19:30 About My Father - Comedie, Avanpremiera, AP12
20:00 Mica sirena 3D - Aventuri, Familie, Fantastic, Muzical, Romantic, Dragoste, Avanpremiera, AG
21:00 Fast X - Actiune, Aventuri, Crima, Mister, Thriller, Premiera, AP12
21:30 Sisu - Actiune, Razboi, Avanpremiera, IM18
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