Patricia Huciu și Alexandra Timaru, de la Grupa de excelență Limba engleză Beclean, premii și experiențe
Grupa de excelență Limba engleză, VII-VIII, Beclean, Lector Crina-Lucia Magdea
Olimpiada națională de Limba engleză, etapa județeană, 2023-2024
Huciu Patricia-Maria, clasa aVII-a, Colegiul Național Petru Rareș, Beclean - PREMIUL II
Hello! My name is Huciu Patricia Maria and I'm in the 7th grade at Colegiul Național “Petru Rareș “ Beclean. This year, I was and still am a member of the Excellence class. I think that it certainly helped me with a lot, like understanding grammar better, writing correctly and the most important, being able to get a high mark in the English Olympiad (2nd Prize).
Concursul național SPEAK OUT! (inclus în CAEN 2024, numărul 24749/29.01.2024), etapa județeană, 2023-2024
Secțiunea A-Monologue
Timaru Alexandra-Camelia, clasa a VIII-a, Colegiul Național Petru Rareș, Beclean- PREMIUL III
My name is Timaru Alexandra and I'm a student at Colegiul Național “ Petru Rareș”, Beclean.
Being in the 8th grade, all I heard this year was the word "exam". My mental health wasn't always the best, but the Excellence classes helped me to feel better, because they were like a break for me.
Ever since I was little, I loved English, but teacher Crina Magdea made my love for this subject grow even more. Thanks to her, I took the third place at the county stage of the Speak Out contest, Monologue section, in April.
I hope that I was able to inspire also the 7th grade students, whom I met in this class, even in the slightest way and that I made my teacher happy to have me as one of her students.
I am also thankful to my parents because they were, are and will always be the kind of parents every kid wishes for. I hope that I made them proud, too.
I wish with all my heart to be a student of my dream high school so I can make my family and my teacher proud, and also to be able to tell my future colleagues and teachers about the wonderful Excellence classes, how much they helped me improving my English and how they made my passion for this language grow even bigger.
PS: Never give up on your dreams, no matter how hard it is to achieve them!
Huciu Patricia, clasa a VII-a A, PET
Vlad Mara Ioana, clasa a VII-a A, PET
Citiţi şi:
- Ei sunt Maria, Diana, Edwina, Ionuț, Diana, Imola, de la Grupa de excelență Limba engleză, IX-XII, Beclean!
- Ruxandra Barna, elev la Excelență: A vital helping hand on my path to linguistic success!
- Sofia Rus, elevă Excelenţă: I had the pleasure to work with two of the best English teachers!
- A magical meeting with Astor Piazolla's music
- Oana-Dinuța Cloșcă, elev la Excelenţă: I am extremely thrilled to write about my experiences as a student enrolled in the English courses held at the “Bistrița-Năsăud Centre of Excellence!
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