Ei sunt Maria, Diana, Edwina, Ionuț, Diana, Imola, de la Grupa de excelență Limba engleză, IX-XII, Beclean!
Grupa de excelență Limba engleză, IX-XII, Beclean. Lector Lavinia Mureșan
Olimpiada națională de limba engleză, etapa județeană, 2023-2024
Cira Maria Cristina - clasa a X-a F, Colegiul Național Petru Rareș Beclean – PREMIUL II
Luca Diana - clasa a XII-a I, Colegiul Național Petru Rareș Beclean – PREMIUL II
Zsigmond Edwina Timeea - clasa a IX-a I, Colegiul Național Petru Rareș Beclean –MENȚIUNE
Plaian Alex Ionuț - clasa a IX-a I, Colegiul Național Petru Rareș Beclean – MENȚIUNE
Țermure Diana Daniela - clasa a XI-a F, Colegiul Național Petru Rareș Beclean – MENȚIUNE
My name is Cira Maria-Cristina, I am 16 years old and I am a student at "Petru Rareș" National College in Beclean, in the 10th grade, philology profile. I am also attending English courses at the Centre of Excellence in Beclean. Thanks to these courses, I managed to achieve second place at the county stage of this year's English Language Olympiad, and I also participated in both sections of the "Speak Out" contest.
I have had a passion for the English language since the fourth grade. Given that English is one of the most widely spoken international languages, essential for communication in almost any professional field, attending a class of excellence has provided me with the opportunity to reach an advanced level of knowledge, significantly improving my speaking, writing, and comprehension skills.
In the ninth grade, I did not enroll in this English excellence class because I did not have enough time. However, this year I had the chance to dedicate enough attention and focus on perfecting this language. The atmosphere during the excellence classes was pleasant, and I felt very comfortable even though I didn't know anyone at first. The exercises were sometimes challenging, which I expected and which helped me learn and give my best.
I recommend any student who has the opportunity and the necessary time to enroll in the English excellence class to take advantage of all these benefits and ensure a future full of opportunities and achievements.
My name is Luca Diana and I am a student in the 12th grade at Petru Rares National College in Beclean. I have also been part of The Excellence Centre for the entirety of high school and it has brought me many accomplishments. For start, because of the structured materials and assistance that I gained access to, I have managed to acquire prizes at The English Olympiad, both last year, in the 11th grade (1st prize) and the current one, in the 12th grade (2nd prize). Besides these two diplomas, I have enriched my portfolio with a Cambridge certificate - C2 level! I believe all of the above are clear indicators that The Excellence Centre does its job helping anyone and everyone who is willing to put in the work. Now, at the end of high school, the best piece of advice that I would give younger students would be to enroll in this amazing class- the results are guaranteed.
Hello, my name is Plaian Alex Ionut and I am 16 years old. I am in the ninth grade and I study at Colegiul National "Petru Rares" Beclean. This school year flew by, but it left behind some beautiful memories. Even though it is now over, the excellence group for English played a huge part in this. Every Tuesday, we used to gather and actually have fun solving various exercises and tasks, preparing us for the English Olympiad, for other contests and even for Cambridge Exams. We participated in competitions such as the English Olympiad, "Speak Out", Shakespeare School Essay Contest. I received mention for my performance in the English Olympiad, the county level.
Moreover, I will work harder next year to achieve better results. I'm grateful for having the chance to take part in such an awesome activity and I am looking forward to doing so again next year.
Hello! My name is Diana, and I study philology at "Petru Rareș" National College in Beclean. I have been part of the Excellence Centre ever since I started high school, and throughout this time I participated in different regional contests, Speak Out!, English Olympiad and I also took my Cambridge exam, which I promoted with a C2 proficiency level. Therefore, I can say that this centre helped me achieve everything I wanted, the classes being constant and efficient, teaching me that everything is possible if you are willing to put effort and devotion into it.
I highly recommend having such a learning experience, as it helped me see my dreams come true and motivated me to continue on this beautiful path named English.
Concursul național SPEAK OUT! (inclus în CAEN 2024, numărul 24749/29.01.2024), etapa județeană, 2023-2024
Secțiunea A – Monologue
Zsigmond Edwina-Timeea - clasa a IX-a I, Colegiul Național Petru Rareș Beclean –Premiu special
Secțiunea B – Creative Writing
Cîmpean Imola-Henrietta - clasa a XII-a I, Colegiul Național Petru Rareș Beclean –MENȚIUNE
My name is Cîmpean Imola, I am 17 years old, and I am a senior at the "Petru Rareș" National College in Beclean. Throughout high school, I attended the weekly English courses at the Centre of Excellence, which have become an essential pillar in my linguistic development. From grammar to vocabulary and comprehension, each lesson presented new challenges and helped me grow in confidence in my linguistic abilities. Without these courses, I would not have been able to perfect my English skills and obtain language certificates or awards.
The first time I participated in an English Olympiad, in 10th grade, I received an honourable mention. The Centre of Excellence kept me motivated to improve my English, requiring me to engage and study regardless of my mood, even when I didn’t feel like studying. It also pushed me to focus on the more complex and challenging aspects of the language.
Last year, in the 11th grade, the Centre of Excellence played a crucial role in my preparation for the Cambridge C1 exam. I had previously obtained a Cambridge certificate in middle school, but I was not expecting to achieve such a high score this time! However, thanks to my wonderful English teacher, I was able to pass the exam with a grade A. The experience not only boosted my English proficiency, but it also instilled a sense of confidence and motivation to strive for excellence in all my academic endeavours.
I also received an honourable mention this year, at the Speak Out competition, in the writing section. This competition provided a fantastic opportunity to explore new writing techniques and to push the boundaries of my imagination. Therefore, I warmly recommend to all those passionate about foreign languages to enroll in the Centre of Excellence, as they will find not only a conducive learning environment but also the necessary resources and support to reach their full potential.
Concurs regional Having Fun with English, ediția a XIV-a, inclus în CPEERI 2024, poz 929, aprobat prin OME nr. 3468 din 29.01.2024, Palatul Copiilor Galați
Berințan Emanuel Natanael - PREMIUL al II-lea
Chiș Dalia Maria - PREMIUL al II-lea
Cîmpean Imola-Henrietta - PREMIUL al III-lea
Nr. crt. |
Numele și prenumele |
Clasa |
Examen Cambridge |
Nivel obținut |
1 |
Berințan Emanuel-Natanael |
a XII a I |
C2 |
2 |
Mureșan Ioana-Alexandra |
a XI a F |
C1 |
3 |
Țermure Diana-Daniela |
a XI a F |
C2 |
4 |
Bârsan Maria-Teodora |
a XI a F |
C1 |
Citiţi şi:
- Ruxandra Barna, elev la Excelență: A vital helping hand on my path to linguistic success!
- Patricia Huciu și Alexandra Timaru, de la Grupa de excelență Limba engleză Beclean, premii și experiențe
- Oana-Dinuța Cloșcă, elev la Excelenţă: I am extremely thrilled to write about my experiences as a student enrolled in the English courses held at the “Bistrița-Năsăud Centre of Excellence!
- A magical meeting with Astor Piazolla's music
- Sofia Rus, elevă Excelenţă: I had the pleasure to work with two of the best English teachers!
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