Vizita la Statia Meteorologica Bistrita
Pe parcursul unei intregi saptamani, elevii de la Grupul Scolar Agricol Bistrita vor participa la o serie de vizite de documentare, la diverse institutii din cadrul municipiului. Scopul acestor vizite, este acela de informare a elevilor, cu privire la importanta meteorologiei, in vederea protectiei mediului inconjurator.
Prima vizita a avut loc in data de 27.06.2011, pe platforma statiei meteo din Bistrita, “primele observatii facandu-se la liceul Agricol, in anul 1880”, conform spuselor sefului statiei, Marc Aurel. Datele erau trimise la Budapesta pentru prelucrare.
Pe parcursul anilor, statia s-a modernizat, incadrandu-se personal civil si militar, insa din 1960, a fost stabilita permanent in locul unde ne aflam: in cadrul “Statiei Meteorologice Judetene Bistrita”.
"Este o statie de vale, imprejmuita cu un gard in forma patrata, 26 de metrii in exterior, 2 metrii in centru, avand per ansamblu o suprafata de 67 metrii patrati”, ne-a declarat domnul, Marc Aurel.
In cadrul statiei se fac observatii de vant, temperatura, durata de stralucire a soarelui, masurarea stratului de zapada iarna, observatii asupra vizibilitatii si genurilor norilor, etc. Pentru toate aceastea se folosesc diverse aparate precum: giruete, palete directoare, barometre, termometre, pluviometre, girometre, higrometre, etc.
“Grupul Scolar Agricol” a incheiat, de asemenea, un protocol de colaborare cu statia meteo, care consta in furnizarea informatiilor elevilor pentru diverse proiecte, precum si efectuarea de stagii de pregatire practica.
Aceasta activitate fiind bifata, urmatoarea va avea loc in data de 28.06.11 la “Agentia Pentru Protectia Mediului Bistrita-Nasaud (Garda De Mediu)”. Pana atunci, va invit sa pretuiti natura!
Beudean Liana
Foto: Beudean Liana & Florea Alina
During a whole new week, the students from the Romanian high-school “Grupul Scolar Agricol Bistrita” will do several documentary visits, at different institutions inside the district. The purpose of these visits is to inform the students regarding the meteorological issues, linked to the protection of the environment.
The first visit took place on 27.06.2011, on the platform of the meteo station from Bistrita, “ the first observations being made at the high-school Agricol, in 1880”, according to the owner of the station, Marc Aurel. The dates were sent to Budapest to be worked with.
Throughout the years, the station has improved quite a lot, regular people and military base people, were included in the project , but since 1960 the station’s permanent place is where we’re currently at: “The Meteorological Station Of The District Bistrita” (see picture below).
It’s a valley station, square shaped, 26 meters outside, 2 meters in the center, overall measuring 67 square meters, has declared for us mister, Marc Aurel (see picture below).
Inside the station are made wind observations, temperatures, the period of the brightness of the sun, the measurement of the snow during the winter time, observations regarding the visibility and the type of the clouds and so on, so forth. For all these there are used different kind of devices with specific Romanian names: giruete, palete directoare, barometre, termometre, pluviometre, girometre, higrometre, etc
The Romanian high-school “Grupul Scolar Agricol” has also signed, an agreement to work hand in hand with the meteo station, which is willing to help the students with material for all kind of projects, practical matters, just as well.
This activity being checked in, the other will take place on 28.06.11 at the “Agency Of The Environmental Protection Bistrita-Nasaud” (Environmental Protection Guard). Until then, I invite you to treasure the nature!
Writer: Liana Beudean
Photos: Liana Beudean & Alina Florea
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That is so cool. Students can take part in the activity as well. Very well written,I'm soooo proud. :) two thumbs up!:)
Congrats !! Very well carried out. Its really nice. :)
O inițiativă foarte interesantă. Felicitări pentru articol! :)
Such an interesting article!!! It's also very well written, I hope more articles from her will be translated and published!!
E foarte bine scris! :D :D
It's very well written. Hope to read more from you! :)
feeeelicitari !!!>:D<
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