Vizita La Statia Meteorologica Bistrita

Visit At The Romanian Meteo Station Bistrita-

Cu o singura actiune de protectie a mediului, nu se schimba soarta planetei, la fel cum,“cu o floare nu se face primavara.”

Pentru acei dintre dumneavoastra, care au citit articolul despre “Vizita La Statia Meteorologica Bistrita, li se poate parea interesant, faptul ca, elevii “Grupului Scolar Agricol”, desi sunt in vacanta, doresc sa schimbe ceva in aceasta lume, in care prea putin ne mai pasa de mediu/de ceilalti...

Nu e insa, NICIODATA prea tarziu pentru ca rotile sa se puna in miscare!

Cea de-a doua vizita a avut loc in data de 28.06.2011 la “Agentia Pentru Protectia Mediului Bistrita-Nasaud” (“Garda Nationala De Mediu”).

Ghid, ne-a fost domnul Roman Sever.

Acesta ne-a purtat atat in trecut, prezent, cat si intr-un posibil viitor, vorbindu-ne, printre multe altele, despre modificarile climei Pamantului. Acesta este intr-o continua schimbare, inca de la formarea planetei, iar daca nu invatam sa-l pretuim poate sa-si intoarca spatele de la noi. RAU ar fi!

De asemenea, ni s-au reamintit informatii despre diversi factori de mediu: APA, AER, SOL, SOARE, precum si diferite tipuri de radiatii solare:

1) infrarosii - IR – au energie mica, incalzesc la suprafata

2) radiatii luminoase vizibile - contin culorile curcubeului - verde, albastru, galben, portocaliu, rosu, violet - devenit in ziua de astazi un simbol al tolerantei, al acceptarii, pentru ca, traim intr-un univers, in care, mult prea multa lume, alege sa blocheze/respinga/judece diferentele de orice tipuri (cand insasi natura ne invita la visare, la libertate, de ce sa nu-i ascultam indemnul?! )

3) radiatii ultraviolete (UV) - au energie mare, pot produce cancer de piele

Atmosfera, impartita in straturi, in functie de temperatura :

1) troposfera (+ tropopauza)

2) stratosfera (+ stratopauza)

3) mezosfera (+ mezopauza)

4) termosfera (atinge climaxul),

5) exosfera

se schimba pe zi ce trece.

Efectul de sera pandeste de dupa usi inchise, asteptand o clipa de neatentie, ca sa-i deschidem si sa ne inghita, in cazul in care ne-am asternut plapuma mai mult decat este cazul, ceea ce, din pacate se intampla in zilele noastre, cand toti se cred Dumnezeu…

Extremele vremii:

1) tornadele (furtuni violente, rotitoare, in forma de palnie, care inghit totul in calea lor)

2) uraganele (cicloni tropicali sau taifunuri – furtuni uriase formate deasupra oceanelor, care aduc ploi torentiale, vanturi puternice, intinzandu-se pe sute de kilometrii)

3) descarcarile electrice (tunetul, fulgerul)

4) inundatiile

5) seceta

6) musonii (in regiunile tropicale, cand vanturile sufla in directii opuse, aducand ploi torentiale sau secete devastatoare)

fac ca viata, pe Pamant, sa fie din ce in ce mai alunecoasa, iar viitorul, nu se arata prea roz, desi speranta moare ultima…

“Grupul Scolar Agricol” a incheiat, de asemenea, un protocol de colaborare cu “Garda Nationala De Mediu” pentru a supraveghea si a proteja cat mai bine si la unison, mediul inconjurator.

Asa ca, dragii mei, va invit sa va deschideti inima/mintea si sa incepem prin a ne aprecia/pretui pe noi insine, prin a schimba ce e de schimbat, iar pe urma, cu o inima curata si o minte clara, vom reusi, POATE, DOAR POATE sa salvam ce mai poate fi salvat, pana cand NU E prea TARZIU… La urmatoarea vizita, trecutul va deveni o oglinda a prezentului si a unui posibil viitor, odata patrunsi in “Muzeului Judetean Bistrita-Nasaud”. Scoateti-va ochelarii…!

Beudean Liana

Foto: Beudean Liana & Florea Alina

With MERE an environmental protection activity, the fate of our planet will NOT change, just as you cannot “bring the spring, by planting mere a flower” (Romanian expression).

For those of you, who have read the previous article about the “Visit At The Romanian Meteo Station Bistrita-Nasaud”, an interesting find could be, the fact that even if the students of the high-school “Grupul Scolar Agricol” are currently in vacation ,they are interested in bringing a change into this world, in which too many of us give a d@mn about the environment/about each other…

It’s NEVER too late, though for the wheels to spin around!

The second visit took place in 28.06.2011 at the “Agency Of The Environmental Protection Bistrita-Nasaud” (“Environmental Protection Guard”). (picture below)

We were guided by Roman Sever, with whom I had the pleasure to take a picture.

He carried us like the wind, through the past, present, possible future, telling us stories, among many others, about the changes of the climate of the Earth, which is in a continuous change, even since the beginning of the planet and if we won’t learn how to treasure it, the Earth could just turn it’s back on us. BAD, would be!

We were also reminded several information regarding different types of environmental factors: WATER, AIR, SOIL, SUN, together with a bunch of solar radiations:

1) Infrared lights (IR)- few energy-charged, they provide energy on the surface

2) Visible light radiations – containing the colors of the rainbow - green, blue, yellow, orange, red, purple - turned today into a symbol of tolerance, of acceptance, because well, we live in a universe, where, too many people, choose to block out/reject/judge all kind of differences (when even the nature invites us to dream away, to be free, why and who are we not to listen to this call?!)

3) Ultraviolet radiations (UV) – big energy, they can cause skin cancer

The atmosphere, divided, by temperature :

1) troposphere (+ tropopause)

2) stratoshere (+ stratopause)

3) mesosphere (+ mesopause)

4) thermosphere (reaches climax),

5) exosphere

changes on a daily basis.

The green house effect is crawling behind closed doors, waiting for a moment of absence of mind, so we could be eaten up, in case that we think we’re bigger than God Himself, which many of us do think so and it’s quite sad…

The weather extremes, such as:

1) tornados

2) hurricanes

3) striking/lightening

4) flooding

5) deserts

6) monsoons

make life on Earth, be more and more slippery, and the future doesn’t look bright either, ALTHOUGH the hope is the one to die last…

The Romanian high-school “Grupul Scolar Agricol” has also signed, an agreement to work hand in hand with the agency, to supervise better the environment.

Allow me to present you also some of the instruments, which are used inside the “Garda De Mediu”/ “Environmental Guard”

Therefore, my dears, I invite you to open your hearts/minds and to start appreciating/cherishing yourselves, to change what must be changed, and afterwards with a pure heart and a clear mind, we will, MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, make it through, change what still can be changed, until it will NOT be too LATE… At our next visit, the past will be mirrored into the present and a possible future, once we’ll be inside the “Muzeului Judetean Bistrita-Nasaud”/Districtual Museum of Bistrita-Nasaud. Take off your glasses…!

Writer: Liana Beudean

Photos: Liana Beudean & Alina Florea


09/07/11 19:22
alex precup

foarte bun abilitati in ale scrisului. bravo tie :d

04/07/11 21:30

Such a great description, I love the theme of this article and the writer is great! Such an amazing English translation thanks! Great work!

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